Report from WSCT meeting 12/7/22

Report from 12 July 2022 Wormwood Scrubs Charitable Trust Committee meeting

Stephen Waley-Cohen (SWC) participating, Miriam Shea was unable to due to covid, from which she is now recovering.

Many of SWC’s questions and comments and suggestions arose from the meeting of FOWWS Trustees on the previous evening.

From the Minutes of the last meeting:

Sunday parking charges trial in the car parks due to start during August

Adult sports day in September not now happening

From the Managers’ Report:

HS2 are behind schedule, now say they will finish the sewer work in late autumn, so renewal of planning consent for ‘alternative access’ route needs extending. Committee doubtful of HS2 achieving timetable, but definitely want this less intrusive route to continue.

HS2 are renewing the clearance of a path adjacent to the hoarding along the sewer work, with ecological consultancy, using same method statement as before.

HS2 station said to be in service in late 2029

Play equipment for Braybrook Street playground including a trampolinenow all approved, should be installed starting late August. In response to questions from SWC, it was confirmed that no fence is planned. SWC requested reinstatement of picnic tables and seating, now to be looked into and costed.

OPDC has secured funding to improve the three main entrances (from Scrubs Lane car park/noticeboard; from Wulfstan Street/Braybrook Street; from opposite Old Oak Primary School) with level access, planting, signage, new/improved footpaths, seating etc. Detailed proposals to be prepared by Officers, with FOWWS to be among those involved. SWC commented on the need to avoid Disneyfication and to remember it’s a Common not a park. Plans, with map, to come to next Committee (Sept 7) as it must be spent this financial year.

Grounds Maintenance - footpath surfacing with sandy loam to be continued to keep paths accessible through wet weather, as this year.

Grounds Maintenance – noted that the signs, ropes and pegs were regularly removed so more robust signs to be erected for next nesting season. SWC commented on the great improvement that requests as opposed to instructions had achieved, and this was noted as a principle, as people have the right to walk where they want on a Common.

Dog Control – there are proposals for a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) to encourage/enforce responsible dog ownership. FOWWS Trustees had discussed this extensively, and SWC spoke strongly against banning dogs from the meadow area - because it’s such a large part of the whole, would be unenforceable, and is an over-reaction -and from Linford Christie Stadium - in the hope that Thames Valley Harriers Clubhouse improvement will include a café and toilets open to all, so it would be wrong to bar such a large user group. SWC also spoke against requiring dogs to be on leads in the central copse and woods near the Braybrook Street playground, which is suggested because of Forest Schools (which rarely happen and are a private enterprise initiative, never discussed or approved by WSCT). SWC also suggested strengthening the ability of LET officers to insist on a maximum of 4 dogs per person, and the addition of a bar on more than two groups of 4 dogs being together. There will be a consultation, and FOWWS will be strongly encouraging Friends to respond.

SWC asked what could be done about the continued alleged placing of poisoned food interesting to dogs and potentially to children in Braybrook Street woods, and was advised that evidence was needed, and it would then be a police matter. If anyone finds poison, or their dog suffers, please retain anything which might be evidence. If anyone knows who is doing it, and has any evidence, please contact SWC.

Masterplan Consultation is continuing until July 31, with workshops planned for under 30s, who are under-represented. A separate email is coming about this, and we encourage Friends to get their ‘children’ to volunteer to participate. There is a £10 Amazon voucher (how ecologically unsound!) for taking part.

A major music event organiser, Slammin Events would be presenting proposals to the September WSCT meeting for an event in the summer of 2023. This would be quite large, and involve a significant fee.

Recruitment of Trust Manager and Development Manager. Vicki Able has been appointed as Development Manager in August, and a Trust Manager has been chosen and should be appointed soon. SWC suggested that when they were properly in post, there should be a meeting between them and LBHF Officers and FOWWS Trustees with IDVerde including Kate McVay (ecology manager).

SWC drew attention to the lack of a proper register of all plant and wild life on the Scrubs and said that Kate McVay might be able to find time, outside her IDVerde/RSPB contract to do this. It was agreed that Cllr Sanderson, Steve Hollingworth and SWC would discuss this separately.

SWC drew attention to the adoption of the OPDC Local Plan, with significant implications for increased use of the Scrubs over the coming decades, and possibly a direct entrance from the north in 25 years time. He asked that the new Trust and Development Managers, with Officers and IDVerde, be asked to prepare both an annual maintenance plan and a 5, 10, 20 and 30 years strategic plan for the Scrubs rather than just reacting to events..

On Finance, it was noted that Kensington Aldridge Academy wanted to extend for another year, and it was thought that this might continue until Grenfell Tower was eventually taken down in case the space was needed. This might be some years in the future, to the financial benefit of WSCT.


Biodiversity walk with LBHF officers


Activity day 22 May and the growth of the Friends of the Scrubs