Secret Cinema proposal for 2023 withdrawn!!! (But it may return in 2024…)

(this is edited from Stephen's message to the Friends email group today)

Those of you who registered for the Secret Cinema (SC) residents’ page may have seen their announcement posted their earlier today:

Secret Cinema at Wormwood Scrubs Open Space August 2023 announcement

For every show, Secret Cinema undertakes a full feasibility study in relation to the site and the impact that our event would have on local residents and wildlife. Part of this feasibility study is the consultation with residents and stakeholders. It has become clear that more information is needed to assess our impact, in particular the impact on the ecology surrounding the site. We will continue a dialogue and consultation with LBHF to assess the feasibility of holding events in WSOS. Secret Cinema will not be making an application for August 2023.

Cllr Sanderson, Chair of the Wormwood Scrubs Charitable Trust, states “We welcome Secret Cinema`s decision to make further assessments of the impact the event would have on the ecology of the Scrubs and its commitment to consultation before moving forward. We will be observing closely and participating actively in this process.”

This is a statement from the Wormwood Scrubs Charitable Trust:

"Secret Cinema Event Proposal – SC have decided to pause their proposal to host an event on the Scrubs in 2023. This is partly due to the necessity of developing ecological impact assessments that are based upon measuring the likely effect of the event on species that are hibernating this time of year. The intended site location to the North-East of the Scrubs lies adjacent to an area that is home to: pipistrelle and noctule bats, spotted woodpecker nests, linnets, song thrushes and juvenile warblers. In order to ensure that the right mitigations can be put in place, SC require a longer lead time to conduct those assessments and deliver recommendations on the most appropriate way of protecting both users of the Scrubs and the ecology of the space.

We will continue to work with SC to support the development of those assessments before they look to submit an application for planning permission to the OPDC for an event in 2024.

Before that application is prepared, they will be invited to present to their updated plans to the WSCT Committee.”

What LBHF/WSCT are saying makes it clear just how much care SC will have to take not to damage the rich nature adjacent to their proposed location, if they decide to press ahead and try to hold their event there in 2024.

Thanks to all Friends who have for the past weeks pressed SC on ecological issues, traffic management, noise and light pollution, and other factors.




Friends Trustees meeting - 16 January 2023 - Secret Cinema and other urgent topics